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Pipac: Cure for abdominal cancer and chest cavities

What is PIPAC?

Pressurized Intra Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) is a breakthrough in Cancer treatment, where chemotherapy is delivered into confined spaces in the body like abdominal cavity and chest cavity under pressure in spray form to destroy cancers which have spread there through a simple laparoscope. The therapy is best suited for treatment of cancers of Ovaries, Colon, Stomach, and Appendix which are at the advanced stages involving the peritoneal cavity, where other conventional therapies fail to treat. It is highly effective in treating cancers that originate from the lining of the abdominal cavity and chest cavity, known as Mesotheliomas

Such cancers which are currently being subjected to intense chemotherapy as the first lin of treatment have provided with unsatisfactory results. Moreover, multiple chemotherapy sessions also render such patients weak and leads to development of fluid formation known as ascitis. PIPAC in such cases are highly beneficial to the patients as the therapy palliates their symptoms by melting the disease and extending the quality of life.

As no surgery other than taking a biopsy is possible, NGS study is permitted during PIPAC procedure, it is a totally traumatic undertaking, being the beauty of this operation. PIPAC gaining popularity for treating advanced cancers While other treatment modules including CRS, HIPEC and third line chemotherapies are being currently used for treatment of cancers, the issue is substandard outcomes.

Classical Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is not as effective as PIPAC because the liquid distribution inside the cavities is not homogeneous and penetration into disease surfaces is low compared to PIPAC.

Surgical treatments- CRS and HIPEC are extensive supramajor surgeries conducted for over 10 hours at a stretch, involve resection of various organs, requiring blood replacements over 8-10 units and a longer hospital stay of more than 3 weeks. Even though after performing such risky procedure, the complication rates are still high due to its curative intent and costs approximately INR 9 lakhs.

Similarly, 3rd line chemotherapies are also not very effective, and patients are loaded with side effects. Classical Intraperitonel chemotherapy is not as effective as PIPAC because the liquid distribution inside the cavities is not homogeneous and penetration
into disease, surfaces is low compared to PIPAC.

Radiation therapies– even though being minimally invasive, the latest Cyberknife and Gammaknife radio surgeries are of no use in extensively advanced disease situations of the abdomen or chest wall, while theyare beneficial in cases of minimal disease progression in other body parts. Microwave ablation is used to treat small tumors in liver or occasionally other organs but is useless in advanced cancers.

PIPAC currently fulfills an unmet need in Cancers disseminated to peritoneum and pleura where nothing better exists. But studies are showing it can also act as Neoadjuvant therapy to downstage extensive abdominal cancers and make them suitable for curative procedures like CRS and HIPEC subsequently. This is an exciting observation with potential for getting lots of patients into treatment domain that may otherwise have no chance.

In comparison to the above treatmentn modules, PIPAC is emerging as one of the best game changers for the oncologists, due to the following advantages:

1. No complications/safer procedure- PIPAC has virtually no complications, and the treatment aims for palliation than curative purpose.
2. Cost Effective– In comparison to other treatments, PIPAC costs under INR 3 lakhs.
3. Minimal Hospital stay– Minimizing the hospital stay to only 1 day against 2-3 weeks in case of 3rd line chemotherapies.
4. Quicker recovery – With minimal incisions and decreased tumor load, making tumors operable, the patient makes a better and quicker recovery.

Pipac Cure for abdominal cancer and chest cavities
Pipac Cure for abdominal cancer and chest cavities_article

Only a few centers in the world like France, Germany, US have experience and our centre in India is one of them. As more and more centers acquire this expertise, it will become popular in the future.

Potentials of PIPAC in India

This technique originated recently in Tubingen, Germany by Prof. Marc Rubens and is still evolving. Multiple clinical trials are underway to collate solid evidence in its favor. Only a few centers in the world like France, Germany, US have experience and our centre in India is one of them. As more and more centers acquire this expertise, it will become popular in the future.

Depending upon the type of primary cancer, the outcomes of PIPAC therapy may vary. For instance, in cases of advanced (stage IV) ovarian cancer, the objective response rates are very high (over 70%) with better survival (14 months) in comparison to other currently used methods. Appendix and Colon also have similar noteworthy results but outcomes in cases of gastric cancer are not so good due to its adverse biology. PIPAC provides a significant improvement in the quality of life.

Clinical Outcomes & Patient Satisfaction
Many patients suffering from advanced stages of ovarian, colonic and appendicular cancer have achieved astounding results. Since there are absolutely no side effects and patients can walk out of the hospital, they are usually satisfied and happy. They come back for repeat procedures after 6 weeks or so, which is recommended as well.

Infrastructure required for PIPAC
One requires an Operating Room with laminar airflow or fitted with a Hepa filter so that minute aerosol particles of chemotherapy are sucked out. Laparoscopic cart and scope, a double chamber high pressure injector, a Buffalo filter to suck out vapours, and finally, a uniquely developed aerosolizer called Capnopen are needed. Of course, the performing Surgical Oncologist should be trained for this procedure which is conducted with patient under general anaesthesia.

Composed by Dr. Sameer Kaul, Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Foundation

Dr. Sameer Kaul is the Founder President of Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Foundation, offering better cancer care to economically underprivileged patients in India and spreading awareness about this dreaded disease. He also runs a Central Drug Repository and trains clinicians in the field of oncology across India and the neighbouring countries. He is an expert oncologist, specializing in Head & Neck, Breast, Genitourinary, GI, Soft Tissue & Bone and Thorax related tumours, with key interest in popularizing innovative techniques in oncology.

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